United Way of Rockbridge History
The greater United Way movement traces its roots to a joint effort by community leaders in Denver to raise funds for 22 local charities. Many similar groups sprang up across the United States and Canada, using names such as Community Chest. By 1963 they joined forces to set up a parent United Way organization to provide common branding and training for what are today 1,800 locally organized and operated non-profits in 40 countries.
This long North American tradition of community-based fundraising for non-profits spread to the Rockbridge area in 1949. United Way of Rockbridge has grown from funding a handful of organizations with a $20,000 goal to our current $300,000 goal.
Over the past 70+ years, United Way of Rockbridge has raised approximately $3.9 million for local organizations serving individuals in Buena Vista, Lexington, and Rockbridge County. We are proud to be able to serve our community. Let us continue to serve you. Give today because your community needs your support!