Annual Report/Financial Information

Financial Information

Meeting the most critical human needs requires collective action. So, United Way of Rockbridge brings together citizens, community leaders, business, the faith community, government, non-profit organizations and other institutions to support our community. Through United Way of Rockbridge, your gift supports local agencies and programs that would not otherwise exist. 

United Way of Rockbridge engages community reviewers to identify community needs. In order to recommend a funding amount, each year our Community reviewers visit local agencies, review their proposed programs, inspect their financial information, and determine their impact in the community . Upon recommendation by the reviewer to the Allocations Committee, the UWR Board then reviews and approves the decisions. The Executive Director leads fundraising efforts and distributes the funds under the oversight of the Board. Learn more about the current Board members here and learn more about how to become a community reviewer here.

Allocations by Funding Amount

Allocation percentages are determined by the funding amount  approved for agencies in each impact area.

Funds raised in the 2020-2021 campaign is distributed to agencies for spending in 2021-2022.

Financial Highlights

Annual Goal - $250,000

2020-2021 Gross Amount Raised - $271,000

  • 2020-2021 Agency Allocations - $181,700

2018-2019 Gross Amount Raised - $264,604

  • 2018-2019 Agency Allocations - $219,108

Special Grants

In addition to recurring allocation funding for local non-profits, the United Way of Rockbridge also provides special grants from significan bequests. The Ellen Charske Bequest has been a popular and much needed funding stream in the Lexington, Rockbridge County and Buena Vista area. 

Financial Documents